Marinet Ε.Π.Ε.
Καποδιστρίου 24,18531 Πειραιάς, Ελλάδα.
Τηλέφωνο: +30 2104101130 | Φαξ: +30 2104101132
ΑΦΜ: 999661945 ΔΟΥ Α Πειραιά
Αρ. μητρώου ΓΕΜΗ : 44995907000
Αρ. Μητρώου ΕΕΤΤ : 91170

Καταβλημένο εταιρικό κεφάλαιο : 60.000,00 ευρώ
Μοναδικός εταίρος και διαχειριστής
ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΔΑΜΙΓΟΣ ( με συνολική εισφορά Ε.Κ)

Hotel marketing that works is our passion

Copyright Marinet Ltd 2019
All rights reserved.

Booking Engine for Hotels

Increase conversion rates and direct bookings with Webhotelier Booking Engine


Drive more direct bookings and cut down on OTA fees


Our booking engine’s superior merchandising capabilities can help you convince buyers to book now with urgency messaging, time-bound marketing taglines and strike-through pricing. It also creates opportunities to increase ancillary revenue with features such as targeted add-ons and upgrades. With Rate parity, you can know exactly how your current rates compare to OTA sites and automatically match lower rates found on third-party channels, in real time – eliminating any need for a guest to book through another website.

Increase conversions on your website


Our powerful booking engine is packed with features designed to optimize conversions, including automated email retargeting, scarcity, popularity and urgency messaging, auto-generated landing pages and multi-property cross-selling capabilities.

Webhotelier booking engine also allows you to create flexible, multi-layered promos based on various criteria in just minutes, without the need for new rate plans. Easily combine multi-dimensional criteria, such as booking and stay, to create and run offers on a custom, recurring timeframe that best suits your business needs.