Marinet Ε.Π.Ε.
Καποδιστρίου 24,18531 Πειραιάς, Ελλάδα.
Τηλέφωνο: +30 2104101130 | Φαξ: +30 2104101132
ΑΦΜ: 999661945 ΔΟΥ Α Πειραιά
Αρ. μητρώου ΓΕΜΗ : 44995907000
Αρ. Μητρώου ΕΕΤΤ : 91170
Καταβλημένο εταιρικό κεφάλαιο : 60.000,00 ευρώ
Μοναδικός εταίρος και διαχειριστής
ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΔΑΜΙΓΟΣ ( με συνολική εισφορά Ε.Κ)
Hotel marketing that works is our passion
Copyright Marinet Ltd 2019
All rights reserved.
As hoteliers, you know the importance of metasearch marketing in generating revenue and shifting share from OTAs to the property website.
At Marinet, we know the importance of getting our clients a healthy return on ad spend (ROAS). Our clients are able to enjoy this ROAS from hospitality metasearch programs on Google and TripAdvisor, ranging from 800% to 2,500%. Each booking is also one less booking via OTAs, who have dominated metasearch marketing from the start.
Metasearch marketing is more complicated than it sounds. Unlike a distribution channel or a “set and forget” initiative, it requires sophisticated CRS access and advertising middleware technology to manage daily ad spend, campaign management, dynamic bidding and optimization. Our solution? The Marinet Dynamic Rate Marketing (DRM) Gateway.
Our DRM Gateway is unique in the industry. Hotel inventory availability and pricing are required components, but only make up a small part of this complex advertising model. The bulk of the complexity of this program lies in the technology needed to manage ad spend (budget) per property on a daily and monthly basis; real-time bid management; conversion and ROAS tracking, campaign monitoring and ongoing optimizations; and reporting on property level.